"Won’t You Celebrate With Me”- A Black Art Workers Discussion on Black Joy & Revolution
TIME: 4:00 PM EST/ 1:00 PM PST
Panelists Include: Emory Douglas, Trae Harris, Daniel Watts, and Shannon Joy Shird
Black art is a display of our abundance, our power, and our future. Our panelists will share their vision of a world for all Black people free of anti-Black extraction, exploitation, and violence. The panel brings together Black art workers to elevate the ways in which Black artists continue the Black Radical Tradition of sustaining our chorus--the common collective necessary to incite transformation, mutual aid, and revolution.
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Black Food Sovereignty: Carrying Forward the Ancestors' Work
TIME: 5:00 PM EST/2:00 PM PST
Panel Curated by Ethel Jemila Sequiera & Dr. Gail Myers
Dr. Owusu Bandele, Eric Jackson, ShaVon Terrell, Mr. Will Scott, Wanda Blake, Adamaah Craig
We invite you to join us as we explore the narratives of our relationship to food and sovereignty. Blacks have always had a strong connection to the land and the food we grew and cooked our family and community. Food has and continues to be an important part of our lives, often center to our fellowship, celebration, ritual, and healing. This connection was broken on the backs of enslaved Africans on plantations and for many a spirit of love for the land was turned to shame and pain.
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Anti-Blackness in Latinx Communities - Facing Facts A Panel Discussion and Q&A
Time: 5:00 PM EST/2:00 PM PST
Moderator: Justine González
Panelists: Jahlove Serrano, Anamiledys Rosario, Eileen Neryssa Frazer, Alexis Mena, Dash Harris
This panel discussion will explore the topic of anti-blackness in the Latinx community by centering the voices and experiences of Afro-Latinx identifying individuals and groups. The panel will discuss the impact of language, traditions, social media, and the history of colonialism on our personal identities as black-identifying Latinx people. We will further explore the role that colonialism and capitalism have played in creating and reinforcing anti-blackness in our community.
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Land and Freedom Now: Collective Action for Black Land Liberation
Time: 1:00 PM EST/10:00 AM PST
Panelists Include: Savi Horne, Clark Arrington, Ed Whitfield, and Joe Brooks
This seminar will explore solutions to Black land loss centering what we must do now to get back our land through collective and cooperative economics. Panelists will first consider our relationship as Black people to the land, how the relationship has transformed across geography and time, and historic efforts to preserve Black land and advance cooperative economic development within the Black community. Panelists will then turn to solutions fit for our time and our needs as a community. Participants in this seminar will gain exposure to and engage with various models and strategies and will leave the seminar inspired and ready to meet Savi Horne’s call to take back the land and our freedom now.
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Removing the Masks of Masculinity
TIME: 2:00 PM EST/ 11:00 AM PST
With: Monroe Howard, MSW, MPA
What Mask are you wearing? This seminar will explore the roles of men in Black culture, and how we can facilitate community healing using tools such as communication, vulnerability, and self-awareness.
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