Justin B. Jones


JUSTIN B. JONES was conceived in an act of spiteful passion and has spent most of his life deconstructing ideas that you hold dear. He regrets three of them and will only tell you which if you ask nicely. Coming of age in America's krunkest era, Justin has made it his life's mission to propagate the philosophy that only haters talk shit. He wrote a book of poetry and a slew of comics that you’ve never heard of but will open a bridge to the 7th dimension if you ever read them all. Justin is a writer, producer, illustrator, educator, comedian, public speaker, and a regular practitioner of Black magic (“Black” referring to the heritage of the magic, not the Eurocentric judgments place on cosmic connections). He was voted the leader of the House of Ease© because Justin is a natural critical thinker and actually uses his watch. He doesn't trust you and will never let you know if he likes you, but you’re going to have a good time with the mystery. 

Follow Justin on Twitter @BMFJones.

House of Ease